I've posted before that I attend a Bible study each Monday night. Bible Study Fellowship in an international Bible study, even now in China. I encourage you to look for one in your area. This is my second year, and I can honestly say, this is the nicest thing I have ever done for myself. This year we are studying in the book of John. Tonight's lesson was sad, as we read of how Jesus prepared his disciples for the inevitable....his death on the cross. I have learned so much about the person of Christ....Son of Man....Son of God, Messiah...Savior.
Each week our study and preparation allows each of us in small groups to share our thoughts and discuss answers to our study questions. Afterwards, in the sanctuary, we attend a lecture on the same material. What a blessing our speaker is, and I look forward to this part of the program each week.
The whole coming together of believers, is sometimes a bit overwhelming to me. Beginning the evening with singing, the voices of over two hundred women can be heard making a joyful noise unto the Lord. There is something incredibly amazing to be with a group this size, coming together to study God's word.
Be blessed this week...... Dee Dee