Our grandson Isaac is two on Saturday. He's a gentle, sweet natured and happy little boy. I've never seen him without his smile. While wrapping some wooden toy animals for him, I thought of how unconditional his love is for everyone in his family. With three other siblings, he fits in nicely, claiming a secure spot and trying to keep up with the older children. My, how we all love this little guy. It's always the same when he first sees me...his little arms are out-stretched and he gives the best hugs.
I made the card I'm giving to Isaac for his Birthday. (borrowed photo Google Images)I was inspired by one of the wooden animals we're giving him.....the lion. It reminded me of Aslan, a character in "The Chronicles of Narnia." Isaac has heard the story, read by his father, on a child's level. The words I selected for his card are not the typical two year old birthday wishes. They are lasting words that his grandfather and I want him to know. Perhaps it will remain in his keepsake box for a while.
Love is not affectionate feeling, but a steady wish for the loved person's ultimate good as far as it can be obtained.
~C S Lewis
Good blessings for the day..... Dee Dee