Let's just say, it hasn't been so long, that I don't remember the pressure and the mental tension associated with playing chess with the Mister. "Hey Hun, let's bring out the ole Chess board." It's been four days now since the great "Florida Chill of 2010" began. "Are these signs of cabin fever," I wondered. Almost instantly an old stress twitch became active in the corner of my right eye. "Sounds like fun," I mumbled.
You see, I'm the kind of gal that takes very little time in making Chess decisions, nearly always making them on spur-of-the-moment. I scope the Chess board out, plan two or three moves, anticipate my opponent's next move, and I then move the Chess piece with confidence.
The Mister, on the other hand, analyzes each move on the board....mine and his. Having eventually thought out his move, he then sits calmly for a while thinking about whether it is a really good move or if there are other better ideas.
The word "impatient" comes to mind, in describing me, during these periods of analysis and unhappy describes me as I lose each time. Years have passed since we've last played and this time I have a plan. Perhaps I can be mindful that the Chess pieces are armies doing battle. Those that are my men, are my responsibility. It is my place to use good judgement, never placing them in harms way. Just maybe I'll be the one sitting calmly, finding every move on the board before making mine. I'm feeling pretty confident this evening, and the chess board is looking less scary to me. Could it be that I've gained a little wisdom? I think so. These days I try to use better judgement and have a wiser attitude before taking any course of action.
Blessings...... Dee Dee