Remember the book? Of course you do, because you have plenty of them in shelves, half-read, dusty, bent, torn, coffee-stained, wine-colored, smudged, smelly, misprinted, broken and cherished. They catch your glance as you walk from one room to another, reminding you of the year or a moment when you were doing something else but had that book in your bag or backseat, and meant to finish it, or did in fact, and put it away and moved it several times in a box, cursing it's weight and trying not to bend it. So there it sits now, quite possibly closed until the day you die. But you know it's there and it's a marker in your life. Source: Candlelight Stories
Like most of the populace, I spend hours each week, at my computer. Having the world at my fingertips, I learn something new each day. On occasion I find new websites that are most interesting. Click here... www.candlelightstories.com This is a place I visit, that nearly always has something I can walk away with, ponder or bring up later for discussion.
This website began in 1995 as an educational entertainment site for kids of all ages. Although still having many elements for children, it now offers literary, film, games, news, opinion and audio content primary for an adult audience. Should this be of interest to you, they are looking for authors with novels, short stories, poems and children's stories, who want to get their work online for a wide audience to enjoy. I have not explored everything at Candlelight Stories, and know that the whole content may not be for everyone. Use your own judgement. There are many things I'm hopeful you'll enjoy. Take a look, if you like. Blessings..... Dee Dee