It's been years now, my having no desire to climb into a kayak and row out across the waters. Is it just me, or has anyone else ever felt as though one of those very small and narrow vessals, could just simply tip over and leave them hanging upside down??? I don't know, I've never actually set in a kayak, so maybe I'm wrong about the whole thing. Could I have been wrong all these years? Seeing these bright colored vessals, stacked along the causeway recently, I asked myself that quesion once again. Oh my, such beautiful bright colors. I thought the blue one especially nice. Then and there, I was once more intrigued by the kayak, and found myself thinking very foolish thoughts. They seemed sturdy enough and I noticed people out in the water having a good time. My feelings began changing to envy and I was becoming bold and more curious. I wanted to know what it was like! I heard their laughter and seemingly they were not worried about tipping over.
" I want to experience the thrill of riding in a kayak!!! If they can do it, I can!!
Maybe I will ride in a kayak soon, or maybe I will one day.
Maybe I won't ever do it, that thing could tip over.... you know!!!" Dee Dee