I suppose it's curiosity, plain and simple. At least it's my explanation for wanting to explore each place I visit. The Catskill mountains, upstate New York, this time of year, do everything to stimulate my senses. I just want to get outside and be a part of nature, and so I make it a point to do just that. On a beautiful cool July morning, under clear blue skies, I set out walking. The ground was damp, having rained for several days and I found myself looking down, careful not to walk in puddles or muddy areas. As though seeing them for the first time, I was in awe of all the tiny little wild flowers that actually covered the ground, completely in certain areas. I found moss growing in unusual places, to be fascinating and quite beautiful. And then, as though begging to be noticed, I saw an old abandoned house. The grass was growing out of control and the weeds had made claim to most of the yard. The windows were broken, and the roof had almost collapsed. By the looks of things, the house had experienced years of abandonment and I could see the effects of harsh northern winters where more likely snow had blown into the windows and even caused the sag in the roof. While looking at the place and thinking how sad the little house seemed, I got a glimpse of what was at one time beautiful, good and cared for. Growing amongst weeds, standing tall and proud were Lilies. I thought them a tribute to the previous owner, who so long ago, had lovingly placed them in the ground to grow and beautify the home. Although the old house stood vacant, and was no longer cared for by human hands, I loved that the garden still carried on, doing it's part year in and year out. click on photos