We had a "BLACKOUT" last night and it lasted for an hour or so. I suppose Floridians had over-loaded the system. Typical of mid June, we are having almost intolerable high temperatures. Those of us who've lived in Florida a while, are somewhat accustomed and to some extent prepared for it. Yesterday the heat index registered in the hundreds. We were most thankful for air-conditioning, fans and refreshing pool water. Late afternoon we noticed the air conditioner was continually running at capacity and still unable to cool to the setting in place. Looking at our digital thermostat, we became aware of the power being generated and the cost that would be applied to our next billing statement. We're so thankful for modern conveniences, and I sometimes wonder how folks managed so long ago. I do have some sense of what it was like, for when first married, our only escape from the summer heat was window fans. We escaped to the lake or the beach on weekends, cooling off in the waters, along with many others. I suppose our youth back then factored in, as to our tolerance of the heat. As a matter of fact, we hardly noticed.
O wind, rend open the heat,
Cut apart the heat,
rend it to tatters.
Fruit cannot drop
through this thick air-
fruit cannot fall into heat
that presses up and blunts
the points of pears
and rounds the grapes.
Cut the heat-
plough through it,
turning it on either side
of your path.
~Hilda Doolittle