Isaac Compton, my Great Grandfather with Elbert and Elizabeth
Each family seems to have at least one historian. In my family's case, second cousin Dennison. Denny, although in his 80s, still has a curiosity that seems inexhaustible when it comes to genealogy. I sometimes wonder who will take up the baton when he has finished with life? Today I received photos from him, of my great grandmother Wilmethann Poole Compton, and my great grandfather Isaac Compton. Both were born in Breckinridge County, Kentucky in the early 1800s. Upon receiving the photos via email, I wanted to know everything about my great grandparents. The photo of my great grandmother, known as Willi, was most likely taken on her wedding day. Stories have been told of her making her own dress for the occasion. My great grandmother's facial features seemed somewhat familiar and I realized I was seeing my mother's younger face. Grandfather Isaac, pictured with two of his younger children, looks as though this photo -op was not of his own choosing. Typical of older photos, the subjects look somewhat reserved or even a bit sad. In addition to the photos, Denny sent me a list of their eleven children. They had six boys and five girls. Abraham, Hattie, Marvin, Ollie, Ruben, Eula, Beulah, Garland, Edith, John and Elbert. (I had to reveal these beautiful old-fashioned names) This just tweaked my curiosity, and I wanted to know more. A phone conversation would only reveal a few things. Most questions were left unanswered. Perhaps I just might take up the baton one day, so future generations might know more about our family's roots, about our beginnings, who we were, and what were our contributions during the little span of time we occupied. I wanted to know much more about my great grandparents Isaac and Wilmethann, but it was not to be. I can say I feel somewhat satisfied in what I do know about them. In spite of it all....being poor farmers with several children to raise...love seemed to be enough.