A Farm In Pennsylvania.....by Dee Dee
Apple Tree by Dee Dee
I've heard it said about writers
that they should write what they know.
Now....if that applies to them,
then why not
draw and paint
what one knows?
I know what it's like to
live in the country
on a farm.
I know what it's like
to smell fresh cut hay,
and I know how a barn smells
at milking time.
those drawings can be for
another time.
I know what it feels like to be
sixteen years old,
to help with the chores
and then
have time alone
with my thoughts....
to lie
under an apple tree on a
warm summer day.....
To sit in the shade on a fine day,
and look upon verdure is the most
perfect refreshment.~Jane Austen
Blessings..... Dee Dee