Lately, I've been concerned for families and even somewhat troubled. As I grow older, it bothers me, as I observe the role of women changing dramatically, in regards to work and family. No longer is it priority for women to manager their homes and children. As a result, families are suffering. I believe God designed the family a certain way, and when the structure changes, everyone suffers.
Reading on this matter, and searching for answers, I've found this was an issue and one addressed during the nineteenth century. A smart women could see the "handwriting on the wall" and wanted to correct the course. Catherine Beecher addressed the subject of "women's role," in her time, and I believe her discoveries are ones I can agree with even today.
Catherine Beecher was an active proponent for the creation of schools for women arguing that for their special roles as instructors of children, women required a thorough education. She was responsible in her time for creating a new social attitude that placed a greater value on women's work in the home and their role as educators and moral guide for the young. She did not advocate a radical change in women's role, but she did recognize the importance of the work women did in managing homes and raising families.
Beecher held the view that the woman, as educator and spiritual guide for families, was the basis of a well ordered and moral society.
I am hopeful for the future. I am seeing evidence of home schooling mother's managing their homes, educating their children and all the while directing their moral development. Should this not be a priority in teaching young women even in our public schools? My prayer is that all young women will recognize their special roles. It is a mighty responsibility they have. Blessings...... Dee Dee