By now, most of us have heard the news, worthy of a headline even........"National Shortage Of Canned Pumpkin." A potential Thanksgiving pumpkin problem....I should say so. Shoppers are reporting bare shelves and the supermarkets are saying they've been allocated only so many cases for the whole season. While talking to a friend about this very dreadful crisis, she relived her own harrowing experience, while at our local grocery store. Completely unaware of the "pumpkin crisis" she was somewhat puzzled finding no canned "Libby's Pumpkin Pie" anywhere in the store. A bit perplexed, she had wondered to herself....how could this be? It is, after all, the fall of the year, and pumpkin pie making time. While making inquires, she was told news she did not want to hear. The store manager confessed the store had been allotted only ten cases of pumpkin pie filling for the season. Reluctantly he confessed, these were being held in the storeroom (like some cherished treasure). Finding this revelation somewhat hard to believe, she persuaded him to part with three cans. Enabling her to continue with family tradition, she gladly paid the inflated price of $l.55 per can. So folks, should you find a can or two of "Pumpkin Pie " in your market, better scoff them up....they may be the last you'll see for a while. Blessings....Dee Dee