Spools Of Friendship
I was invited to brunch at her home, offering sweet time together and unhurried conversation. Life just doesn't get much better when you have all the time in the world to discuss whatever it is you like, with a close friend. We spoke of current events, grandchildren, books we were reading, card making, knitting and finally sewing. When she brought out her old sewing box, I just knew I was in for some pretty interesting revelations. Look at a woman's sewing box and know some of her life's stories. Take my sewing box memories, for example, I have bits of pink elastic saved as reminder of my youngest daughter's ballet pointe shoes. A bit shabby but still sweet memories is an old cheerleader "letter S." Always having to search around for it, is the tiny wooden box holding my needles(given to me by my eldest daughter). My friend brought out all sorts of things from her sewing box and told me a few delightful stories. She generously parted with and gave me vintage spools of thread, knowing I would cherish each of them. Perhaps I'll be creative and use one or two. Most likely I'll leave these lovely old "spools" in my sewing box, as a reminder of her and our cherished friendship.Blessings....Dee Dee