Sweet hanging basket of pink Periwinkle.....
Very pale pink Periwinkle flats ready for planting....
I've been visiting the flower nurseries for weeks now, hoping to find flats of Periwinkles. Finally they have arrived and in some of my favorite pink colors. Early tomorrow morning I will bring out my gardening tools and proceed to line the walkway, in the courtyard, with lovely pink flowers. Each spring I go through the same routine, and am always pleased with my efforts. Periwinkles are drought resistant and require very little attention during the summer's heat. One little plant will produce an amazingly large display, so I will place them a foot apart. I also have placed hanging baskets in a few places, with Periwinkle of different colors. Each new flower in the garden, no matter how small or insignificant it might seem, always surprisingly makes a remarkable garden presentation eventually. click on photos....