UNCOMMON by Tony Dungy
"Success is uncommon, therefore not to be enjoyed by the common man. I'm looking for uncommon people." When Coach Cal Stoll spoke these words to Tony Dungy and the rest of the freshman football team at the University Of Minnesota, he likely had no idea how they would be remembered. Dungy carried them with him through his days as a student, as an NFL player, and as the first African American coach to win the Super Bowl. Today, he thinks they are words that the world needs to hear more than ever before. Oh yes, we know all about Tony Dungy in the Tampa Bay area of Florida. He was the coach of the Tampa Bay Buccaneers for a while, he still lives in Tampa with his family, and he is very active in his community. Dungy has been involved in a wide variety of charitable organizations, including the Fellowship of Christian Athletes, Athletes in Action, Mentors for Life, Big Brothers and Big Sisters, the Prison Crusade Ministry and All Pro Dad. The list goes on... To know Tony Dungy, is to admire him...he is a true man of faith. He was on Fox recently, and I heard him say one of the best things that ever happened to him was meeting Cal Stoll at the University Of Minnesota. Coach Stoll was a Christian and the team were all men of Christian faith. Tony said that in a culture that defines success by the size of your salary, he can offer insights on achieving uncommon success and real significance in life. Tony Dungy believed his primary job as a coach was to build men of character, integrity, and courage. Men with both confidence and humility who know the value of family and faith as well as career. I do so encourage everyone to read his book UNCOMMON.