"Knight In Shining Armor"
I'm not so sure how it came about, but I have heard the expression, and known it's meaning all of my life. Young ladies of my generation looked for their "Knight In Shining Armor"....I suppose the idea is that all the trials of life, the hardships, the heart aches and the trouble of having to deal with problems on one's own, is reason enough to wish for a man who can take you away from it all....take care of you and protect you from all that might go wrong along the way. Your Knight would be the one to share in your happiness and your sadness. And you know, this was not an unusual thing to expect from the man you fell in love with. A young woman would make sure that the future father of her children had all of these attributes, even before the courtship began. Not so true these days, I'm afraid. It seems by today's practices, young ladies have lowered their expectations to unbelievable levels. I have heard it said that more time is spent selecting a new dress to wear, than is spent on selecting a mate. I don't have the answers....all I can do as a grandmother is encourage my children to try a proven method of raising children...the old fashioned way. Teach them to respect themselves and expect the best for themselves. Why not give it a try, it seems to have had a better outcome than the ways of today. Oh yes...God has someone special for them...I believe in "Knight's in Shining Armor"....I've been married to one for many many years.....