Thursday, August 21, 2008

Home Schooling

Home schooling is not a new concept in education. As a matter of fact, before the public school, home schooling was the only means of education. I'm reminded of the movie Little Women, and how the young neighbor boy was taught at home by a tutor. What do you suppose the pioneers did while traveling along on those Conestoga wagons? I'll just bet, home school was pretty much the only way. Now days, homeschooling is an option for parents who wish to provide their children with a different learning environment than exists in nearby schools. Home school education of children at home, is typically by parents or professional tutors, rather than in a public or private school. This is not a new thing to our family. I have grown grandsons who were educated both in Christian school and homeschooling. My younger granddaughter is beginning home school in a few days. She will be in kindergarten. I'm excited about this. There's a large movement for homeschooling in our area. Families are getting involved with Home School Co-Ops in order to provide cooperative and group learning experiences. Children are together for music classes, language classes, field trips and sports, just to name a few. These are interesting times in the lives of our children. Not only am I supportive, I'll be on standby for some of those field trips.