It's been a little over seven years now,
since our first granddaughter was born.
I'll have to admit, she was one of the
most beautiful things to happen in my life.
With all fine grandsons prior to that time,
we welcomed this little baby girl.
That first year, I took enough
photos to fill up several photo albums, should
it have been necessary. But thankfully
it's much easier having
many of my photos on what we
call "Flash Drives." They take up
very little storage space and I can look at
them with little effort at all.
Last evening, we were going through
some old photos and came across a
"drive" that had our Lily, when she
was eight months old. She was
sitting on her daddy's lap as he read
to her at bedtime. I remember
how contented she was,
as though she understood
every word he was reading.
So, this little painting is for Lily and
I'm calling it "Daddy's Girl."
Blessings.....Dee Dee